Elastyczny kabel do podłączenia anteny (5m), N-Connect/N-Connec SIMATIC NET | 6XV1875-5AH50 Siemens
Elastyczny kabel do podłączenia anteny (5m), N-Connect/N-Connec SIMATIC NET
Informacja o Produkcie
Alternatywny kod produktu: 6XV18755AH50N-Connect male/male flexible connection cable pre-assembled; length 5 m flexible cable, for example, for the connection to antennas, suitable for IWLAN and mobile radio. SIMATIC NETCablesantenna connection cable N-Connect plug/plugFor example, for connecting antennas to active devices; suitable for Wi-Fi and mobile networks.Low attenuation ensures that the quality of the radio signal is only minimally impaired. Cables are flame-resistant, chemical-resistant and silicone-free.
- Producent Siemens
- Wymiary 0.25m x 0.02m x 0.25m