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Licencja SIMATIC OPC UA S7-1200 Basic zawiera certyfikat licencji dla serwera OPC UA | 6ES7823-0BA00-2BA0 Siemens

Kod Producenta
Licencja SIMATIC OPC UA S7-1200 Basic zawiera certyfikat licencji dla serwera OPC UA
Rzeczywisty produkt może się różnić od pokazanego na zdjęciu

Informacja o Produkcie

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Informacja o Produkcie

SIMATIC OPC UA S7-1200 Basic, single runtime license, contains license certificate for OPC UA server, valid for S7-1200 CPU, including F derivates *** content: 1 license for 1 CPU SIMATIC OPC UA allows the integration of SIMATIC S7-1200 controllers in Industrie 4.0 type automation systems. The symbolic and secure access to data in a SIMATIC S7-1200 is simple and powerful. First, the functions of OPC UA Data Access are supported as an OPC UA server. In addition, methods and companion specifications can also be used. The manufacturer and platform-independent OPC Unified Architecture (UA) is the communication standard for Industry 4.0. OPC UA can be used in parallel to PROFINET in all Ethernet networks thanks to the basic TCP/IP communication. In addition to linking the CPU, it is also possible to link field devices using OPC UA, for example, to the IT levels.
  • Producent Siemens

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